Advocate for 95,000 Refugees to Be Resettled to the United States

Advocate for 95,000 Refugees to Be Resettled to the United States

The United States has been a leader in refugee resettlement, offering a lifeline of protection for those fleeing persecution to start their lives anew in the United States. Since the start of the U.S. refugee resettlement program in 1980, there have been 3 million refugees who have been resettled to the United States. These individuals have contributed to our national fabric and economy and strengthened our nation. We must continue the strong tradition of providing protection and assistance to those fleeing persecution. 

In the past several years, refugee resettlement has been cut by more than 80%, from the historic ...

The United States has been a leader in refugee resettlement, offering a lifeline of protection for those fleeing persecution to start their lives anew in the United States. Since the start of the U.S. refugee resettlement program in 1980, there have been 3 million refugees who have been resettled to the United States. These individuals have contributed to our national fabric and economy and strengthened our nation. We must continue the strong tradition of providing protection and assistance to those fleeing persecution. 

In the past several years, refugee resettlement has been cut by more than 80%, from the historic average goal of 95,000 to just 18,000 – an all-time low in FY20. At a time when we’re facing the world’s worst displacement crisis since World War II, our country can – and should – safely resettle more refugees and reunite more families. 



WRITE CONGRESS: Support 95,000 Refugees in the Refugee Resettlement Program

Members of Congress have oversight over what happens with the proposal of the reguee program after it is submitted from the State department and they are responsible for appropriating funding. Their job is to represent the views of their constituents. Let your Representative and Senators know that you support 95,000 refugees in the refugee resettlement program and to maintain the U.S.'s role in aiding vulnerable people fleeing violence and persecution.

Compose your email

Email Tips +

Personalize the message. Add your congressperson’s name, your name, where you're from and why this issue matters to you. 

Keep it concise. Be brief with your correspondence, no more than 2-3 paragraphs.

Proofread. Double-check spelling and grammar before sending, and then you're good to go!